Family Secrets

Once in a while a client will come in that, on the surface, looks depressed. It doesn’t take long to realize the depth underneath. It’s not depression. It’s that they have gotten so small because of all the secrets they were conditioned to keep that they just don’t know who they are any more. And that’s where the work begins.
Wrap the story in self-compassion
Wrapping all the pain in self-compassion and replacing maladaptive coping skills with more self-compassionate ones is always the first place to start. Just finding a safe place to sit with the pain makes all the difference in the world.
Unpack the secrets
The healing is in the telling. Getting the secrets out into the light lessens the power they have in the mind. Often telling their story in session is the first time it’s ever been told – to anyone.
It’s a safe place
Our counseling office is a no-judgment zone at Believe, Hope, Inspire Wellness Services LLC. Our only goal is for you to find healing and stop keeping the family secrets.
Call 850.450.7223 today to find out how we can help. Or make an appointment in our client portal at
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