New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work: But I Know Something That Does

It’s February and that dreaded “R” word – Resolutions has been hanging over your head for the past month. We’ve all made them. We vow to go the gym every day, eat only what’s good for us, say nothing if we can’t say something nice… And come February we are still sleeping in, eating fast food, and having disagreements with others. So how can we approach 2016 with more than a resolution? Consider these 4 R’s instead.
Remember – January is a turn of the calendar and doesn’t bring with it some super power or secret potion that suddenly changes everything. But it is an opportunity to reflect on what you want more of in your life. It’s not about judging where you are. It’s about going where you want to go. Have a realistic perspective.
Reach Just a Little Higher – When considering goals for the future, what are you already doing that you can do more of? If you walk once in a while and feel great when you do, could you walk more often? Enjoyed that webinar online? Take a class this semester. It doesn’t have to be new to be effective.
Recharge – Look to add the things that give you energy. If you hate the gym don’t try to love it. Take a dance class, play tennis, go bowling. Enjoy moving and see how it will increase your motivation. Do you find energy from championing a cause that matters? Volunteer. Mentor someone. Helping others adds fuel to your day and makes you grateful for what you have.
Reflect – Pick a couple of meaningful days during the year for a Day of Reflection. Maybe a birthday, or a special holiday like Independence Day or Labor Day. Do you have more energy now? Does life seem more fun? Are you happier having made the changes in your life? Evaluate progress. It’s not PASS or FAIL. It’s about moving forward.
So, this year make only one New Year’s Resolution – Not to Make Any! Instead Remember, Reach, and Recharge and Reflect. It REALLY works!
Give me a call at 850.450.7223 or schedule an appointment by clicking here.
Dianne Presley, LCSW, BC-TMH
Believe, Hope, Inspire Wellness Services LLC
Anxiety, Depression, Loss and Relationship Therapy
Gottman Level 1 and Level 2 Training in Couples Method Therapist
Gottman Training in Traumas and Affairs and in Couples in Addiction
Gottman Educator in 7 Principles for Making Marriage Work and Bringing Baby Home
Certified Brain Based Success Coach