3 Things You’ll Learn in Premarital Counseling With Us

All kinds of people do premarital counseling.
Young people right out of college, older 20-somethings who have built careers and are now ready to settle down, 40-somethings who are considering a second-marriage, and
50-somethings who have been around the block a little more and who are wondering if marriage is right for them at all.
No matter who comes into the office, we work with clients the same way.
Introduce gentleness
Criticism and contempt are attitudes that create conflict. If couples are fighting their way down the aisle, the self-compassionate thing to do in therapy is to introduce the concepts of gentleness, listening to understand, and cherishing each other with tenderness. That’s the framework of our premarital counseling. Here’s how it works.
Slow conversations down
Couples talk together – it’s just that often the way they talk leaves both parties feeling dismissed and misunderstood. We’ll be teaching couples to:
· Talk about their own feelings and state a positive need what you do want instead of what you don’t want
· Listen to understand rather than defend your side of the story
· Listen to understand rather than to promote your own agenda
· See a spoken need as an opportunity to grow closer rather than a complaint
· Decide how you’ll make the change that is asked for – specifically. When will it happen, who starts it, and how to define success..
As we practice good listening skills, couples learn to understand each other better. That’s where premarital counseling really starts.
Get into really knowing each other
From here couples have the skills to consider how building a home together would feel. They create a sense of shared meaning and ways to incorporate individual life dreams into a life together. Because they are talking openly and honestly, they create an intimate connection that brings excitement and real hope for a brighter future together.
That’s how Premarital Counseling works at Believe, Hope, Inspire Wellness Services LLC. Using Gottmans “52 Questions Before Getting Married or Moving In” and their book “Eight Dates”, couples navigate their way through essential conversations that increase understanding.
Ready for Premarital Counseling? So are we. Give us a call today at 850.450.7223 or make an appointment in our online portal here https://believehopeinspire.securepatientarea.com/portal/
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