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    Connection Camp – Women Engaging Women

    Many people are feeling disconnected right now for a lot of reasons. Families relocate or divorce, friendships change and seasons end, and illness or death makes our circle smaller. If you are ready to discover ways to move forward – and how self-compassion, positivity, and connection can bring momentum, our Connection Camp – Women Engaging Women may be right for you!!

    This is how it works.

    Six “Campers” sign up to meet an hour a week for four weeks.

    Each week we will guide “Campers” to:

    Learn how to wrap losses in self-compassion and notice when the past impacts the present.

    Understand new research on the power of Connection and it’s lasting impact on wellness.

    Discover how to activate positive emotions to engage the brain and protect against depression, anger and anxiety and heal from past trauma.

    Use effective tools to talk to others about what you are learning so that people can have a chance to know you better.

    Next Steps:

    Connection Camps are offered when at least four “Campers” sign up. Camps are offered once a week for 4 weeks beginning the first week of each month. 

    • First call 850.450.7223 for any questions you may have and to find out which Camp dates are still available for sign up. Use the Month, Year and Level as your Invoice #
    • Next follow this link to make your one-time payment of $295 for all 4 weeks. https://bit.ly/3yVcoqh. (Use the Month, Year and Level of Camp (Level 1, 2, or 3 as your Invoice #. )

    Expect our confirmation of your reservation.

    Space is limited to 6 campers per group. Reserve your spot today. Connection Camp could be the first step to living your best life now. Go ahead. You deserve it.

    Still have a few questions? We love questions so give us a call at 850.450.7223.

    P. Dianne Presley, LCSW 


    Believe, Hope, Inspire Wellness Services LLC


    Find more tips on our blog here. https://believehopeinspire.com/blog/?cache=1689447751480.