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    Grief & Loss Counseling

    Things have been so hard for so many people. Many feel trapped in deafening thoughts of pain, betrayal, loss and confusion. These thoughts can be so loud that they drowned out everthing else – even the good all around us.

    If you find yourself:

    • Crying and sighing
    • Experienceing headaches
    • Having lost your appetite or eating everything in sight
    • Having a hard time sleeping
    • Feeling very weak, fatigued, or tired
    • Experienceing deep feelings of sadness and yearning
    • Feeling angry, annoyed, or frustrated
    • Feeling guilty or to blame
    • Feeling detached from others
    • Self-isolating from social contact
    • Behaving in ways that are not normal for you

    There is hope:

    Every grieving experience is different. A person may be able to continue their day-to-day routine after one loss, yet not be able to get out of bed after the loss of someone else. Whatever your personal symptoms are, grief and bereavement counseling have been proven to help.

    If you are experiencing grief-related thoughts, behaviors, or feelings that are overwhelming, please contact me today at 850.450.7223. Don’t stay stuck in the pain of grieving. Find out how to move forward to accept the loss and create meaning from the pain. We can help. Make an appointment below.
