Life’s Ups and Downs – Accepting the Hard Times

Life has a lot of ups and downs, right? That’s what makes great movies and TV dramas. We sit on the edge of our seats waiting for our favorite sitcom hero to emerge out of the shadows to save the day. We cheer them on and cry with them when they’re down, but we never ever give up on them, right?
That’s great on a movie screen. But we don’t often see ourselves as the hero or heroine of our own story. We aren’t so sure we have what it takes to give it one more try. We aren’t even convinced we even want to anymore.
A lot of counseling clients come in to see a therapist because they are having a hard time navigating the ups and downs of life – especially when those ups and downs have had a lot of twists and turns, mistakes and betrayals, and lonely nights.
At Believe, Hope, Inspire Wellness Services LLC our theme for April is ACCEPTANCE. Acceptance of the ups and downs of our life story. Counseling helps clients:
- Understand and grieve losses
- Learn from mistakes
- Integrate the lessons learned into life today
How is this possible? We start in a very caring, gentle way. You’ll journey through:
- Self-compassion
- Observing patterns in our emotions and relationships
- Assigning meaning to your life story
- Intentionally taking small steps toward expanding your world to include more of what you love and letting go of what you don’t love anymore
If you’re ready to take a look back on your life to gather what you need to move forward, we’re ready to go on that journey with you. In fact, we can’t wait! Call today 850.450.7223.
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